You don’t need the Journal to tell you that Biden is diminished. You need only to open your eyes. Go over special counsel Robert Hur’s report into Biden’s unauthorized removal of classified documents.
More than 1,000 complaints have been made against Aileen Cannon for her supposedly ruling in Trump’s favor throughout the proceedings.
As Donald Trump nears this summer’s GOP convention in Milwaukee, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott is making it clear he’s eager to continue serving as a campaign surrogate for the ...
In his rhetoric toward Israel, Biden has acted like a traffic light short-circuiting, erratically oscillating between green, red, and yellow.
On that day in Normandy in 1984, Ronald Reagan used the right words, struck the right tone, and paid fitting tribute to the D-Day sacrifices of 80 years ago.
D-Day: The Most Important Day of the 20th Century Remembering the Boys of Pointe du Hoc Ronald Reagan’s Enduring Legacy Remembering 20 Years Since Reagan NR Daily is delivered right to you every ...
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Two decades after Reagan’s death, we cherish his legacy -- and wonder if we have the courage to live up to it.
But I can’t help but feel the same anguish written on the faces of friends who, like me, grew up in the justice system. Friends who couldn’t care less about Donald Trump, who won’t vote for him, who ...
The Aloha State is poised to enact desperately needed reforms that will ease the tax burden on working families.
President Ebrahim Raisi’s death brought more of the same from an administration that can’t help treating an enemy like a friend.
Abbott poured significant political capital and $8 million of his own war chest into defeating GOP holdouts on school choice.