The U.S. military ran a secret anti-vaccination campaign at the height of the pandemic in the Philippines and other nations to sow doubt about COVID vaccines made by China, according to a new ...
The most common jobs in the United States—home health care aides, retail salespersons, and fast-food workers—do not pay a living wage, according to an analysis of federal data by The Washington Post.
Across 77 countries, 72% of those surveyed supported a quick fossil fuel phaseout, while an even higher percentage, 80%, supported stronger climate action in general, according to the poll, called the ...
University buildings, students, and academics also faced severe threats, with over 360 reported incidents in the past two years. About 760 university students and personnel were injured, abducted, or ...
U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called on Democratic and Republican leaders to withdraw their invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak at a joint meeting of Congress next ...
The East Palestine train derailment in Ohio last year has led to a widespread environmental crisis, as a new study reveals that toxic chemicals released during the incident spread across 16 states and ...
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders has called for an immediate cessation of all offensive military aid to Israel following a video in which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the Biden ...
Lower-income households consume higher levels of ultra-processed food, given that it has a longer shelf life, is more accessible, and is strongly marketed. This leads to these households having more ...
Nova Battery Bank, a new renewable energy storage system located in California, will soon become one of the largest lithium-ion battery storage facilities in the world. Designed and constructed by ...
In response to protests that spread quickly on college campuses in the U.S., President Biden paid lip service to the outrage and paused shipments of U.S. military aid to Israel, only to reverse course ...
UN's Volker Türk reports dramatic deterioration in West Bank, highlights serious concerns of unlawful killings.
Global spending on nuclear arms surged to nearly $3,000 a second in 2023, reaching a total of $91.4 billion, according to reports published on Monday. This increase comes as nations expand and ...