People taking semaglutide, also called Ozempic and Wegovy, either for weight loss or type 2 diabetes, were less likely to ...
When bacteria were put in alternating environments, some became better at evolving to cope with the changes – evidence that ...
Dead Planets Society is a hilariously destructive podcast about the cosmos from New Scientist. In each episode, hosts Leah Crane and Chelsea Whyte explore what would happen if they were given cosmic ...
A fungus found on litter floating in the North Pacific Ocean can break down the most abundant type of plastic that ends up in ...
Gibbons are long-armed primates that traverse forest canopies by swinging between branches, but when their habitats are ...
The first stars in the universe, huge behemoths thousands of times the mass of our sun, could have formed in the blink of an ...
People with progressive multiple sclerosis had higher levels of protective molecules in their spinal fluid two years after being injected with stem cells from a fetus. Whether this translates into ...
The same genetic tools being used to resurrect the woolly mammoth and dodo could help many other vulnerable species that have yet to die out ...