It's a much-needed record funding boost in pothole prevention. The Transport Agency's confirmed it'll put just over $2 billion into prevention on state highways, and nearly $2 billion for local roads.
The Australian change of heart on the 501s didn't last long did it, ay?  They flipped their position today. They've issued a new directive. Now, what this ...
New Zealand will make its annual payment of $1 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) as scheduled - ...
A concerning healthcare trend finds more Kiwis unable to access specialist care, leaving GPs to manage cases without extra resources.
A Destiny Church disciple has been arrested and charged with sexually abusing teenagers in alleged offending involving a ...
A Christchurch family has been rocked by tragedy after the parents of two young girls died from cancer within the same week.  Nigel and Marjan Joyce died f ...
Seven complaints of alleged treating at Manurewa Marae during the 2023 General Election reported to Electoral Commission ...
An activist who doused controversial British anti-transgender rights campaigner Posie Parker with tomato juice during a raucous speaking event and counter- ...
Te Pāti Māori ask police, Prime Minister for urgent investigation into ‘frivolous’ Manurewa Marae data allegations ...
The Electoral Commission has handed investigation of National MP for New Plymouth David MacLeod's failure to report $178,394 ...
FIRST WITH YESTERDAY'S NEWS (highlights from Thursday on Newstalk ZB) We Should Probably Find Out/Of Sick Again/No Reason to ...
Former Christchurch Football Club staff member Nicola Flint has been issued an arrest warrant over theft allegations to the ...