Uber-promising noir detective game Nobody Wants to Die has a release date – and it’s due out in a little over a month. The ...
Black Salt Games’ outstanding Cthulhu-tinged angling adventure Dredge will be adding additional content in the form of the ...
Next-gen bullet hell shooter CYGNI: All Guns Blazing knows exactly what it’s doing with some of the scenes in this release ...
While it’s currently only confirmed for PC, developer Digital Eclipse has said that its retro-inspired 16-bit beat-‘em-up ...
As a lifelong Alice in Wonderland uber-fan with multiple tattoos and t-shirts to prove it, FuturLab is targeting this author ...
Jet Set Radio-esque cycling delivery sim Parcel Corps has been on our wishlist for quite some time, and now it has an ...
Gyro controls are finally becoming more widely accepted by game developers, with huge titles like Call of Duty and Fortnite ...
Some time ago, not too long after Phantom Blade Zero was first announced, we pondered whether the game was... well, a real ...
According to a new overview from Bandai Namco, there'll be a day one season pass for Zero that includes three DLC packs with ...
Robert (or Rob if you're lazy) has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible ...
It feels like we've been writing about The First Descendant for an eternity, but thankfully, its launch date has finally been ...
Another point of contention stems from the fact that LEGO Horizon Adventures is skipping PS4, despite being able to run on ...