Scientists say it’s likely that at least one of the next five years will exceed an average increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius ...
Elon Musk’s SpaceX made a much-anticipated fourth test flight of the world’s most powerful rocket, Starship, a vehicle ...
Most pregnant people take prenatal supplements, but weak regulation means these products don’t necessarily provide the needed ...
Sierra Bouchér is a freelance journalist who covers intersections of people and nature. Learn and share the most exciting discoveries, innovations and ideas shaping our world today.
A growing body of research suggests that high blood pressure, or hypertension, affects men and women in different ways.
Orangutans are known for an impressive feat of engineering: They carefully weave an intricate nest from branches and leafy ...
Most pregnant people take prenatal supplements, but weak regulation means these products don’t necessarily provide the needed nutrients ...
Failing hardware on NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope may lead to less science, officials say, but the space agency isn’t ready ...
Boeing's Starliner's first-ever astronaut mission is underway. Starliner, Boeing's new astronaut taxi for NASA, soared into ...
AI apps can help autistic people practice social skills. But algorithms are no substitute for human relationships, experts ...
A 25-year study shows that teens who receive empathy from their parents give more empathy to their peers and, later, their ...
Americans don’t like being told what to do, and many don’t trust government. These stubborn attitudes might turn H5N1 bird ...