But while formula provides essential food for growing babies, it currently does not replicate the full nutritional profile of ...
Nightmares and hallucinations could be early warning signs of the onset of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, according to a ...
A new study helps to understand public perceptions of the link between climate change and extreme weather events, with ...
The study found that a moderate amount of variation in sweating ability is genetic, so farmers could select sweatier cattle ...
A study led by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) has investigated how the mechanical properties of ...
Some species of tardigrades are highly and unusually resilient to various extreme conditions fatal to most other forms of ...
Seeing faces in inanimate objects is a common occurrence and research has found our brains assign them the same biases as we ...
With applications in clothing, construction and food storage, a new textile reduces heat from both the sun and thermal ...
In a new report, the health organization calls on governments to combat the lobbying and commercial influence of “harmful” ...
PCOS affects 10–13% of women worldwide. A new study, published in Science, investigates the therapeutic potential of ...
The reason why targeted treatment for non-small cell lung cancer fails to work for some patients, particularly those who have ...
Cancer genomes are the result of diverse mutation processes that have often accumulated over decades. Scientists have ...