A diocese asked civil authorities to investigate a possible conspiracy to cover-up the criminal record of a former employee ...
Today’s gospel begins with a sobering reminder that whereas the Scribes and Pharisees thought Jesus was bad, his own family thought he was mad. The text says that they thought he was “beside himself” ...
The reader, then in her 70’s and in poor health, was the singer and actress, Vivienne Chatterton, who had been prominent in ...
As the dust settles from India’s recent elections, the Christian community, numbering approximately 71 million, braces for ...
Germany’s head of state asked Catholics to take a larger part in political discourse rather than argue among themselves.
Pope Francis signed a letter alongside 160 humanitarian organisations urging G7 leaders to prioritise societal peace-building ...
The Vatican’s secretary of state voiced alarm at the prospect of Ukraine using weapons provided by Nato members to attack ...
I don’t just want to teach the children pieties. I want to arm them for, and forewarn them about, some of the things that ...
Bishop Paul Mason, the Catholic Bishop of the Forces, was among those who travelled to the north coast of France to Normandy ...
Love the Stranger describes migrants as “enriching” Britain’s schools and parishes. Yet the bishops also state that Catholic ...
An Argentine archbishop was reportedly asked to resign because he “conspired” to ensure his former vicar general was made a ...
Pope Francis called for an end to all war in a message for the eightieth anniversary of the Normandy landings.