Bank of Japan Governor Ueda Kazuo says recent projections show inflation has yet to reach the BOJ's 2 percent target. "A ...
China's latest trade statistics show exports were up for a second consecutive month in May. The growth was mainly driven by ...
A local government office near Tokyo is hoping to boost efficiency by becoming the first city hall in the country to ...
Students at the University of Tokyo have rallied against a plan to raise tuition. About 400 people took part in the protest ...
The 2011 earthquake in northeastern Japan profoundly affected the lives of the local government officials involved in the ...
A survey by a Japanese labor union has found that nearly half of respondents working in the service industry have experienced ...
Four Chinese Coast Guard ships, each apparently equipped with a cannon, have temporarily entered Japan's territorial waters ...
Cherry farmers in the northeastern Japanese prefecture of Yamagata are busy harvesting their mainstay product of Satonishiki.
Japanese household spending rose for the first time in 14 months in April, even as consumers spent less on food.
Japan's Prime Minister Kishida Fumio has instructed the government to accelerate efforts to introduce a system to prevent ...
Hungary's foreign minister has stressed the importance of energy cooperation with Russia amid increasing economic sanctions ...
A Japanese man has been stabbed to death in Vancouver, Canada. Local police are investigating the incident as a homicide case ...