Remarks by the Secretary to Parliament, Mr Xolile George, during the occasion of the receipt of the candidates list from the Chief Justice of the Republic. The Chief Justice of th ...
A charity rescue ship recovered the bodies of 11 migrants off the coast of Libya on Friday after saving more than 160 people ...
The attack comes as Israel's war on Gaza entered its ninth month on Friday, with the Health Ministry saying that Israeli ...
Scammers create false marketing material using the logos of well-known regulated companies and often the profiles of their ...
Jacob Zuma, who has done more harm to our country than anyone else in the past 30 years, wants to scapegoat us and vilify us ...
Facing a web of complex crises, 32.8 million people in Africa's Sahel region, stretching from Senegal to Eritrea, need ...
As the ANC seeks possible coalition partners to take on board a government of national unity (GNU), possible suitors are ...
Florida finished third in the 1,600-meter relay to pass Auburn in the team standings Friday night for the Gators' third ...
SuperSport Partner Venues is poised to revolutionize how Nigerians enjoy sports, igniting a new level of excitement and ...
With yesterday’s draw, Nigeria is placed fifth in Group C six- team log with three points ahead of only Zimbabwe on two ...
When quizzed on FAR’s scoring exploits back in March, he cited two key reasons: “The first is that we have high-calibre ...