“We have no doubt that on the bidding of a foreign country, Russia ... soldiers in the Ukraine”. French detectives are ...
Veterans are flying in, memories are stirring and officials are finalising preparations for the ceremony  marking the 80th ...
No official from Russia has been invited, after Paris reversed plans to host lower-level ... giving him and Macron a critical ...
Russia is seeking to take over uranium assets in Niger held by a State-controlled French company, according to people ...
A western diplomat based in the region said talks were likely centered around mining ... Despite their competition and the ...
uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) - "spear of the nation" in the Zulu language - a new party led by former President Jacob Zuma named ...
Donald Trump has overtly taken the side of dictators including Putin, Xi, Orbán, and Kim over the past eight years, most ...
SINGAPORE (AP) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused China on Sunday of helping Russia to disrupt an upcoming ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged a group of top defense officials at Asia’s premier security conference on ...
Of all the decisions Paris Olympics organizers made about where to hold each sport, sending surfing competitions to the other side of the ...
The peace talks, which focus on the Russia-Ukraine conflict which started in February 2022, are due to take place at the ...
Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s armed forces Alexander Syrsky signed documents that should allow French instructors to visit training centers in Ukraine ...