California has until Saturday to balance a budget that is billions of dollars out of whack, and not in a good way. Ambitious, ...
Fast food restaurants in California are having to lay off thousands of workers and hike menu prices to stay open. CABIA ...
If approved, SB 1374 would give schools, farms, apartments and other multi-meter properties “the same treatment” as ...
There was rejoicing among California feminists earlier this year as they examined the list of candidates to succeed Gavin Newsom as California governor in 2026 ... the former longtime president of the ...
Democratic leaders in the Senate and Assembly doubled down on their efforts Monday to add inoperability clauses to 14 ...
The plaintiffs first accused AB 5 of being unconstitutional when suing California in 2019 after Governor Gavin Newsom signed ...
California Democrats are playing "dirty tricks" in response to bipartisan efforts to place a measure to reform Proposition 47 ...
A key committee in the California Senate has approved legislation to ... If the measure is passed by the Senate, it will be sent to Governor Gavin Newson. In October, Newsom vetoed a similar bill.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom originally proposed a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to push “commonsense" gun control ...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — As lobbyists for businesses and labor groups negotiate with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration on how to amend a unique California labor law that allows workers to sue their ...