Gavin Newsom to preserve funding for Market Match ... Lawmakers face a multibillion-dollar deficit and are required by law to ...
Gavin Newsom, both Democrats, applauded Tuesday’s ruling ... “If other states followed our policies, thousands of lives would ...
A California bill that would require marketplaces like eBay and Nextdoor to start collecting bank accounts and tax ...
Bruen, which tossed out New York state regulations on who can carry a gun in public and threw California’s restrictive gun ...
Democratic lawmakers have been heads-down over the past week trying to convince supporters of the Prop 47 appeal effort to ...
The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that California laws prohibiting the sales of firearms and ammunition on state ...
State Republican leaders say the Democrats are interfering with an upcoming vote to repeal a 10-year-old proposition critics ...
Newsom, a Biden campaign surrogate, demurs on Golden State peers' criticism of controversial immigration policy.
Adds new laws to address "smash and grab" thefts that result in significant loss or damage that are committed by one or ...
California laws barring the sale of firearms and ammunition at fairgrounds and on other state property are constitutional, ...
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Tuesday upheld California laws barring gun and ammo sales on state property such as the ...