"I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country," Trump said.
This article explores a recent incident involving a Legend Airlines flight, which carried about 300 Indian nationals who were ...
In France, the coalition Besoin d’Europe (“We Need Europe”), led by Macron’s Renaissance party, won only 14.6% of the vote. National Rally, the Eurosceptic and anti-immigration party led by Marine Le ...
The religious texts became part of a project that received EU funding to archive and present the daily attempts to reach Europe by undocumented migrant men, women and children through various routes ...
and a group of Kurdish migrants failed in their attempt to reach the United Kingdom. This gallery highlights some of the most ...
The leaders of Germany's 16 federal states are jointly calling on the German government to develop concrete potential models ...
As elections loom in the U.S., the U.K. and France, the fraught politics of migration are a key issue animating voters on ...
The number of migrants arriving in Germany through the so-called Belarus route has been on the rise in 2024. According to the ...
Excitement has been building. The bunting has gone up, the usual merchandising tat is being sold in all the right places, and ...
"But I also refuse to believe that for us to continue to be an America that embraces immigration, we have to give up securing ...
If not, I'll leave for Europe," said Abdoulaye Diallo, a 40-year-old from Guinea, speaking at a nearby migrant compound in late April. Niger's military leaders in November scrapped a European ...
War in Gaza has ignited antisemitism across Europe, she said. In France, a synagogue was firebombed in May and antisemitic incidents almost quadrupled between 2022 and 2023.