Protesters threw red paint Wednesday morning on the Upper East Side, and the NYPD is looking into at least four other ...
“If we want to ask the hate crimes task force, we want to ask APD victims services ... It will include live music, food and ...
It's "a masterpiece of renegade collaborative urban expressionism," the Ogden Museum of Southern Art curator said.
The polling indicates that voters are wising up to Democrats’ claims of racism. There is a chance that people will see ...
This visual journey through queer Asian American life for AAPI Heritage Month is all about celebrating a vibrant community, ...
A man who was arrested in March on charges of randomly hitting a woman walking down a street in New York City has been indicted on hate crime charges for that assault and several others ...
The energy is powerful. And what do you mean by hate speech? You mean my obnoxious but legally held opinion? Again the faux bafflement and denial that a new law might be needed because people are so ...
On the steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery ... In Canada, courts can consider whether hate was an aggravating factor when someone committed a crime, an option that can lead to a longer sentence ...
Hate program found that anti-Hindu incidents were the second most common religion-related hate crime reported to a state-sponsored hotline in the past year. The non-emergency hate crime reporting ...
A man who was arrested in March on charges of randomly hitting a woman walking down a street in New York City has been indicted on hate crime charges for that assault and several others ...
The FBI’s violent crime rate for 2022, the last year officially available, was 370 violent crimes per 100,000 population. Since 1972, only two years have had a lower violent crime rate ...