Premiering at Tribeca, James Jones' documentary focuses on the travails of three Russians risking their lives to fight their ...
Any film about this topic taking place at this time must include the story of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny, the subject ...
The daughters of Russian President Vladimir Putin rarely make public appearances, but this week they took part in panels at ...
Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Russian opposition politician Alexey Navalny who died in prison in February, and the ...
Current world news highlights several high-tension conflicts and significant political developments. The Philippines accuses China of blocking medical evacuations, Ukraine reports a spike in civilian ...
A Polish court has ruled that one of the men suspected of attacking Leonid Volkov, a top aide to the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, cannot be extradited to Lithuania. The decision was ...
A Polish court ruled on Friday that one of the two men suspected of attacking an exiled top aide to late Russian opposition ...
A truism of the Trump era is that every accusation is a confession. When Donald Trump hurls wild charges at his opponents, he is telegraphing what he plans to do to them, preemptively justifying the ...
Some critics noted a subtle resemblance between Anton Shagin, the actor playing Ivan, and Alexei Navalny, who had recently ...
Persistent rumors about Russian President Vladimir Putin's health have circulated since the invasion of Ukraine, with ...
Russian opposition leader and anti-corruption, anti-Putin activist Alexei Navalny was being held at a remote Russian prison ...
Letters to the editor June 6 ...