From vast desert expanses to offshore finds, these fields are poised to reshape the future of oil production in the region.
JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- teamLab Borderless Jeddah, known as a museum without a map, opened on June 10 in ...
The signal jammers Middle Eastern nations are using to thwart drones and missile attacks have an unintended side effect – ...
The Record-Breaking Digital Art Museum Opened in Historic Jeddah, Saudi ArabiaSaudi Ministry of Culture and Tokyo-based art collective teamLab launched the Middle East’s first teamLab Borderless ...
I N THE diplomacy around the forever war between Israel and the Palestinians, it is customary to describe a Palestinian state ...
As a heat wave sweeps the U.S., cities should look to the Middle East for ways to adapt to a changing climate.
China provides the Gulf monarchies with AI-controlled solar energy, Cloud computing, 5G broadband, and transportation ...
It is also an accusation levelled at the government of Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, which has failed to come ...
Follow news updates on the crisis in the Middle East. Aid groups hope the new Israeli policy will ... Amid the devastation, Gaza is the world’s deadliest place for aid workers, the U.N. says. Aid ...
Telling the truth since 1982... Published to help provide the American public with balanced and accurate information ...
It is always better to cooperate with other parts of the world." Other officials from Africa and the Middle East echoed those words. Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman met Putin's ...
During the meeting, their talks focused mainly on the progress of the road map to end the Yemeni crisis and the ongoing efforts to find a comprehensive political solution in the country. The two ...