September groundbreaking set for $185M visitor center; Bexar County Commissioner Clay-Flores seeks assurances for ‘ethnic ...
Claudia Sheinbaum, 61, Mexico's first female chief executive, was elected in a landslide Sunday. Her party now controls ...
The FAA granted SpaceX a license to launch its giant Starship rocket as soon as Thursday morning from Starbase near Boca ...
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Top Kansas legislators have intensified efforts to woo the Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs by ...
SEATTLE (AP) — A new Washington state parental rights law derided by critics as a “forced outing” measure will be allowed to ...
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — A new agreement between Alaska’s capital city and major cruise lines seeks to cap the daily number of ...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton launched a major data privacy and security initiative Tuesday, establishing a team that ...
Chief William McManus said the man was standing over his presumed girlfriend with a gun when officers arrived.
NEW YORK (AP) — Columbia University has agreed to take additional steps to make its students feel secure on campus under a ...
It's Pride Month, and the venue at 411 Bonham has been a pillar in San Antonio, Texas' LGBTQ+ community since 1981.
MIAMI (AP) — Los Marlins de Miami dieron de baja a uno de sus costosos, pero poco efectivos agentes libres al designar por ...
The investigator, Terrie Williams-Thompson, told the jury at Menendez’s bribery trial that the team was following another ...