The current balloon war began with a recent action by a group of North Korean defectors called the Free North Korea Movement.
NASA admitted that the original target date, 2033, is no longer realistic. This leaves us with many questions.
Russian astronaut Oleg Kononenko's most recent trip to the ISS began in September 2023, accompanied by an American and a ...
The discovery of a 550 million-year-old sea sponge fossil reveals that non-biomineralizing sponges existed in the Precambrian ...
A study reveals the virus can impact sperm quality for up to 110 days post-infection and be present in testis and sperm cells ...
Researchers at the University of Cambridge in the UK have found a low-cost and energy-efficient way to remove carbon dioxide ...
A new method for recycling solar panels does not produce toxic waste and reduces energy consumption by a factor of 220.
US company introduces the world's first seedless blackberry, revolutionizing fruit consumption and market dynamics.
Late Bronze Age Mongolian nomads used metal cauldrons to ferment yak milk and process sheep and goat blood for blood sausages ...
The radio signal from the neutron star, detected by scientists, traveled a distance of approximately 16,000 light years to ...
This innovative gene therapy experiment has shown promise in recovering hearing in both ears affected by OTOF gene mutations ...
NASA announced that the faulty gyroscope is beyond repair, leaving Hubble with only two functioning gyros out of its original ...