Meta Platforms Inc. withheld information from federal regulators during their original reviews of the Instagram and WhatsApp ...
An affiliate of Taiwan chip titan TSMC has joined Dutch chip maker NXP to announce plans to build a new US$7.8 billion ...
A Vienna-based privacy campaign group filed complaints in 11 European countries against Meta on Thursday, saying the global ...
Tests on a leading AI tool allowed the creation of deceptive and incriminating images of President Joe Biden and Donald Trump ...
As night falls in Chile's Atacama desert, the world's driest, a drilling machine extracts brine to measure levels of ...
Nepal's abundant hydroelectric power is helping the Himalayan nation cut its oil imports and clean up its air, thanks to a ...
Rechargeable aqueous zinc-iodine batteries get a lot of attention because they are safe, do not cost much, and have a high ...
Researchers at TU Wien have investigated how an artificial intelligence categorizes images. The results show astonishing ...
Using computer-assisted neural networks, researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the University of ...
Apple is expected to make the case next week that it is not being left behind as tech world rivals blaze ahead with ...
Interregional transmission—lines that connect multiple planning regions—can provide many benefits to electric customers, but ...
In a new paper, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and Stevens Institute of Technology show a new way of thinking ...