Researchers have trained an AI model to recognize methylation patterns for cancer identification, potentially allowing for early intervention.
Live-cell imaging is a key technique in cell biology; however, analyzing and interpreting acquired live-cell imaging data can ...
Cell and tissue biology is currently in an exciting era. Techniques for analyzing cells, such as spatial biology, live-cell imaging and single-cell sequencing are advancing at a dramatic pace, ...
A novel study conducted on participants with brain damage reveals how a specific brain region – called the vmPFC – governs ...
There are numerous aspects to consider when choosing the right assay for your antibody-selection experiments. There are three common epitope-binning assays to choose from: in-tandem assay, classical ...
Rapid, accurate and cost-effective quantitation of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) is essential for bioprocessing. This Application Note assesses the relative merits of protein A high-pressure liquid ...
Epitope binning is an important step towards selecting the best monoclonal antibody for a specific therapeutic purpose as it allows researchers to narrow down the number of candidates by assessing ...
In this Tech Blast episode supported by Sartorius (Göttingen, Germany), we speak with Manager of Applications Development, David Apiyo (right), about epitope binning, why it’s performed and the best ...
A novel study conducted on participants with brain damage reveals how a specific brain region – called the vmPFC – governs our willingness to help others. Researchers at the University of Birmingham ...
Molecular biology is concerned with understanding processes in living organisms at a molecular level, as well as the chemical and physical structure of macromolecules. Molecular biologists focus on ...