Johann Strauss Senior is known as 'the father of the waltz', though it was his son, 21 years his junior, who earned the title 'the Waltz King'. Strauss's mother died when he was seven and his father ...
On the 80th anniversary of a pivotal moment in history, veterans and world leaders gathered to perform Beethoven’s most ...
The piano is one of the most popular musical instruments, but who plays it best? These are the 25 greatest to ever tickle the ivories... Whether nimble-fingered technical experts, first-rate musical ...
The music of Rihanna, TV and anime will sit alongside composers Bach and Schumann in the new official piano syllabus unveiled by ABRSM. The piano arrangements of popular TV and film pieces sit ...
The music of Rihanna, TV and anime will sit alongside composers Bach and Schumann in the new official piano syllabus unveiled by ABRSM. The piano arrangements of popular TV and film pieces sit ...
The piano is one of the most popular musical instruments, but who plays it best? These are the 25 greatest to ever tickle the ...
As the world commemorates the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, we remember the music that helped to bring comfort amid the horrors of the Second World War. From Vera Lynn to Doris Day, here are ...
As the world commemorates the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, we remember the music that helped to bring comfort amid ...
On Thursday 6 June at 8pm, Zeb Soanes will be telling the remarkable story of the pivotal Normandy landings in 1944 through words and classical music, on the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The ...
A young singer gives a poignant performance of a timeless hymn of faith, as the nation remembers a landmark moment in our history. This Thursday marks 80 years since Allied forces landed on the ...