The Interior Ministry said that it has counted 410,000 requests in the first week after President Emmanuel Macron’s election ...
Politicians using refugees as “political scapegoats or footballs” must be reminded they are people in need of empathy and compassion, Bridgerton actor Adjoa Andoh has said.
During a seven-way debate on migration, Reform chairman Richard Tice said the UK should ‘pick people up’ from small boats and return them ...
Cancer survival in the UK is “stuck in the noughties” and trails decades behind countries such as Denmark and Norway, new analysis shows. The most recent figures available for prostate, bowel, breast ...
Women diagnosed with depression before childbirth had a 29% increased risk, while those diagnosed with postnatal depression had a 42% higher odds of developing heart disease, they found. The results ...
The Liberal Democrats have pledged to spend £1 billion a year on repairing “crumbling” NHS hospitals if they come to power after the General Election. The party claimed millions of people would be ...
Anyone not registered to vote in the General Election has only a few hours left to apply. The deadline is 11.59pm on Tuesday.
Sir Ian McKellen has said he is “looking forward to returning to work” as he thanked the NHS staff who cared for him after he fell from a West End stage earlier this week. The veteran stage and screen ...
Funding for bus services falls below the public’s priorities, a survey suggests. More than four out of 10 (42%) British adults want investment in the sector to be a top priority for the next ...
The Scottish Green manifesto will propose removing the “pomp and pageantry” of the monarchy, co-leader Patrick Harvie has said. Speaking ahead of the party’s campaign launch in Edinburgh on Thursday, ...
Staff burnout, exhaustion and low morale are the biggest challenges facing NHS trusts when it comes to bolstering productivity, health leaders have said. High vacancy rates and ongoing strikes have ...
The Scottish Labour leader also accused the SNP and the Tories of ‘tying themselves in knots’ over the energy policies.