An inquest into the death of Leah Croucher will open on Wednesday after police and the Probation Service admitted failings and “lost opportunities” in the case. The 19-year-old disappeared after ...
Completed postal votes must have reached councils by 10pm on polling day, July 4. They can be returned by post or handed in ...
The deadline to submit a postal vote application for people in England, Scotland and Wales is 5pm on Wednesday.
Funding for bus services falls below the public’s priorities, a survey suggests. More than four out of 10 (42%) British adults want investment in the sector to be a top priority for the next ...
The Scottish Green manifesto will propose removing the “pomp and pageantry” of the monarchy, co-leader Patrick Harvie has said. Speaking ahead of the party’s campaign launch in Edinburgh on Thursday, ...
Staff burnout, exhaustion and low morale are the biggest challenges facing NHS trusts when it comes to bolstering productivity, health leaders have said. High vacancy rates and ongoing strikes have ...
First Minister John Swinney has been urged to rule out a “North East tax” after documents revealed proposals previously being considered by the SNP. As the SNP prepares to set out its General Election ...
Putting the stretched social care system on a sustainable footing must be a key priority for the next government, a former sector boss has warned. Lyn Romeo, who stepped down from her role as chief ...
Children’s hospice services are at risk of being “hugely reduced” amid a lack of long-term sustainable funding and rising costs, a charity has warned. Together for Short Lives urged the next prime ...
Almost all “dine in” supermarket meal deals contain more than the Government’s recommended limit of 600 calories per person for dinner, a study has found. Some 93% of the meal deals surveyed by the ...
Children face a lifetime of “diet-related illnesses” unless action is taken to ensure they have access to healthy food, experts have said. Campaigners said health issues caused by poor diets are ...
Billions of pounds each year are being spent on “potentially preventable complications” of diabetes, researchers have said, and the condition is “very costly to the NHS”. The health service should ...