C ampus leftists in the West and nationalists in the global south never tire of pointing out the evils of imperialism. Yet few include the Soviet Union on their list of villains. This is odd: the ...
Chigozie Obioma sheds light on this dark period. The 37-year-old author explored his country’s recent history in two acclaimed novels, “The Fishermen” (2015) and “An Orchestra of Minorities” (2019), ...
In recent years China’s lesser-known cities have proved more magnetic. These rising metropolises come from the ranks of the ...
According to the latest estimate of the UN ’s Food and Agriculture Organisation ( FAO ), Kenya reached number three in exports last year. It is still far behind Mexico, the unchallenged giant, and ...
CHINA’S HUNGER for homemade chips is insatiable. In May it was revealed that the government had launched the third iteration of its “Big Fund”, an investment vehicle designed to shore up the domestic ...
For now the contest is in the grey zone, between peace and war. China’s coastguard regularly harasses Filipino vessels with water cannon near disputed shoals in the South China Sea. But at the Shangri ...
The lack of a serious opposition to the government is worrying. The strongest opposition coalition, which has been led by Xóchitl Gálvez, “has been a total failure and is dead”, says Antonio Ocaranza, ...
Coulombe’s book, “Becoming Trader Joe”, has no New Ageiness, even though his chain started in California in 1967. As a lesson in how to beat the big guys in business, it does exactly what it says on ...
G rowing up, Iran’s aghazadehs, the children of the elite, chanted death to America each morning at school. But as soon as they had finished their education, they set off in search of the American ...
On each Atlantic shore, trust in China is falling. Despite that convergence, Europeans see no way to stabilise the world without engaging with China as a partner. In contrast, America increasingly ...
Israel’s leaders did not approve the leak, but they knew it was coming. Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, grudgingly admitted that the plan was of his government’s own making. It is Israel’s ...
How the ANC sees itself—and its self-interest—will determine the future of South Africa. On June 2nd electoral officials announced that Africa’s oldest liberation movement had taken a licking at the ...