As Europe goes to the polls, there's another election taking place in Europe, that of the bloc's absent friend, the United ...
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederisksen was assaulted by a man in Kultorvet, Copenhagen on Friday evening, (7 May).
On the second day of the European elections, the Irish and the Czechs went to the polls to decide who they want to represent them in the next European Parliament. While the exit polls were not ...
Day, President Joe Biden on Friday (7 June) compared the threats posed by Nazi Germany to those facing the world today by dictators and authoritarianism, and urged Americans to resist isolationism.
Finland has become the first country in the EU to vaccinate against the H5N1 avian flu, currently spreading among US cattle, ...
Polls predict that the Green/EFA group will post a fourfold increase in the number of European Parliament seats for the ...
Too often we speak about the surge of 'the far-right' in Europe but we forget this is neither new nor too surprising. The ...
A fake news story claiming that Italy might leave the EU if there was low turnout at this weekend's elections shared on ...
During this electoral campaign, agricultural issues have taken centre stage due to the spectacular protests staged by farmers ...
Agrifood products should be kept out of the current EU-China trade tensions as the Asian giant is a key partner for the ...
It is often argued that EU policy debates are detached from the everyday lives of European citizens and that European ...
While talks about the two far-right forces in the European Parliament, the ECR and the ID, merging into a supergroup have ...