Infections in three farm workers who worked with sick cows raise questions about what kind of personal protective equipment, or PPE, workers should have.
Thor grew up in the suburbs of New York City and caught the farming bug on his uncle’s dairy farm. While running a VW shop ...
Ease of calving, herd size control and a tasty, profitable end product are reasons a growing number of dairy farmers in the ...
State animal welfare laws threaten to complicate interstate commerce, but a new Farm Bill could establish consistent ...
After a few failed attempts, writer Art Petrosemolo finally succeeded in canning homemade strawberry jam with a little help ...
This week on the FarmHouse, we're talking about the process of becoming a dairy princess, agvocating in the dairy case, and ...
Pennsylvania’s over-order premium will stay at $1 per hundredweight through the end of the year. The Pennsylvania Milk Board ...
Republican lawmakers are looking to stop cell-culture meat before it gets a foothold in Pennsylvania. Reps. Tina Pickett, ...
Raechel Sattazahn, a Womelsdorf farmer and Horizon Farm Credit official, gave a lender’s perspective on the challenges young ...
Fair season is full of fun, but it also poses disease risks for humans, animals and herds. Here are five biosecurity tips to ...
Growing in popularity, nurse cows offer a way to feed calves with minimal labor, but research on the topic is minimal. One ...
3. Understand breeding is a process, and a mare’s cycle is about 21 days, so often multiple appointments are needed even when ...