The Gen Z idol has been in the spotlight ever since her break-out role on Disney’s "Shake It Up." / Emma McIntyre/GettyImages As we follow Zendaya’s meteoric rise in real time, here are nine ...
Queen Elizabeth II sometimes went by Sharon. / Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images (Queen Elizabeth II), belterz/E+/Getty Images (name tag), Nugroho Ridho/Moment/Getty Images (background) But those ...
Consumers have long had an easily understood relationship with fast food. For a few dollars, franchises like McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, and others would provide tasty (albeit nutritionally ...
If you can, you should actually hold off on buying one of these for a few months. / 97, E+ Collection, Getty Images This article contains affiliate links to products selected by our editors. Mental ...
The sales managers at Doubleday stared at the screen. Projected from a slide was the proposed cover art to Jaws, a forthcoming thriller novel from an unheralded author named Peter Benchley about an ...
The origins of this odd equine idiom come straight from the horse’s mouth.
Break out the dictionary and start counting. / Daniel Grill/Tetra Images/Getty Images (dictionary page), Jon Mayer/Mental Floss (background) Figuring out how many words there are in the English ...
They’re both in the camel family and live in South America, but alpacas and llamas aren’t the same species. Alpaca on the left, llama on the right. / Mike Hill/Stone/Getty Images (alpaca ...
As is the case with many nursery rhymes, there are a few dark theories about the origin of “eeny, meeny, miny, moe.” One, as ...
In his famous 1858 speech, Abraham Lincoln warned that only civil war would resolve the issue of slavery in the U.S. He ...
Not only was the tragic shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas the biggest fatal event at a U.S. music ...
As far back as the early 1600s, Hamburger referred to any person from Hamburg, Germany. The city has a centuries-long history ...