With unemployment, power outages, and crime spiraling out of control, South Africa, one of Africa's most affluent and influential nations, faces a pivotal election on May 29. An estimated 28 million ...
Kilifi County government has prohibited the entry, transportation, distribution, sale, and use of muguka within its territory, becoming the second county after Mombasa to implement the ban. This comes ...
Judges scored a major victory on Friday after the High Court ordered the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) to reinstate a Sh10 million car allowance that it scrapped in 2021. A three-judge ...
The Supreme Court has allowed EACC to seize Sh113.9m cash in bank, and seven multi-million-shilling properties belonging to former Nairobi County Finance Chief Officer Jimmy Kiamba. The court ruled ...
The High Court has temporarily suspended the appointment of Dr Phillip KIptanui Kirwa as the Chief Executive Officer of the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. Dr Magare Gikenyi said in a petition ...