Metroid Prime fans said, "About time," when today's Nintendo Direct revealed the first gameplay trailer for Metroid Prime 4: ...
Echoes of Wisdom introduces a unique twist, casting Princess Zelda as the protagonist on a quest to rescue Link. Series ...
MTE works by tagging 16-byte blocks of physical memory with 4-bit metadata keys. When a program accesses data within a tagged ...
Qudi Mask 2 is a fully interactive LED mask designed to convey digitally augmented social interactions minus the stress. The ...
The AI surveillance trials took place at eight train stations in Britain, including huge terminals such as London's Euston ...
Called the mrxSwitch v2.0, the device provides five 100Mbps Ethernet ports in a minuscule 44.9mm x 42.2mm footprint. That ...
Serving tech enthusiasts for over 25 years. TechSpot means tech analysis and advice you can trust. Forward-looking: Major ...
Dr. Mehdi Akhoondzadeh from the University of Tehran decided to dig into satellite data around the time of that 7.8-magnitude ...
Serving tech enthusiasts for over 25 years. TechSpot means tech analysis and advice you can trust. WTF?! If you're a call ...
A known vector for spreading diseases such as malaria, dengue, West Nile, yellow fever and Zika, mosquitoes are more than just blood-sucking irritants. Some regions of ...
Serving tech enthusiasts for over 25 years. TechSpot means tech analysis and advice you can trust. Rumor mill: The first set ...
Asus has pledged to make several significant changes to its handling of customer service complaints, with some effective ...