We ask veterans of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity for their hints and tips on how agencies and ...
Jamie Thorp, senior writer at Reed Words, wonders why there’s such a chasm between strategists and copywriters.
Eight&four’s Kate Ross asks if there will be any space for SMEs at the table when the networks are throwing hundreds of ...
In the latest episode of The Drum Network Podcast, we speak to Spotify about their latest ‘trends tour’ and four leading ...
The whimsical ad brilliantly portrays the rabbit hole you can go down when searching through the platform. This cinematic ...
Marketers in APAC are optimistic about bigger budgets - but there’s a measurement mismatch in perceived effectiveness of ...
Rishi Sunak’s recent blunders, from a rain-soaked speech to missing the D-Day commemoration yesterday, highlight his ...
On Tuesday, a cohort of AI researchers with ties to OpenAI and Google DeepMind – two companies at the vanguard of the race to ...
The conversation elicited a range of opinions around whether or not AI should be used as a primary creative tool in the ad ...
As the Boy Scouts of America undergoes a landmark rebranding to ‘Scouting America,’ marketers weigh in on the organization’s ...
Long format branded film or brand-funded entertainment are increasingly attractive additions to the marketing mix, says ...
There’s also Blake Lively’s sophisticated drink collaboration and Pinball-themed football tournament excitement from the BBC.