A new agreement between Alaska’s capital city and major cruise lines seeks to cap the daily number of cruise ship passengers ...
EPS: RM0.001 (down from RM0.002 in 1Q 2023). Eversendai Corporation Berhad shares are down 13% from a week ago.
記者施春美/台北報導 眾多研究指出,肥胖會導致慢性發炎,甚至癌症,減重已是全民運動,但不少人未見成效。營養師李婉萍表示,當人年紀漸長、荷爾蒙變化等情況下,代謝率會下降 ...
A large grass fire in Sacramento threatened nearby structures, the fire department said. Brittany Hope reports.
Brown firmó el primer contrato de 300 millones de dólares de la NBA el verano pasado y se espera que Tatum firme uno similar ...
A man who works as a Fayette County Public Schools maintenance worker was arrested Monday on multiple charges related to ...
The Texas governor's pardon of a former Army sergeant who fatally shot a Black Lives Matter demonstrator undermines the state ...
113年3-4月期 統一發票 中獎號碼5月25日開出,特別獎新台幣1000萬元中獎號碼為44140251、特獎200萬元則是14715309。 財政部 今(4)日公布中獎清冊,其中有民眾到麥當勞吃早餐消費117元,就中千萬元特別獎。
勞動部勞動力發展署雲嘉南分署為協助創業民眾圓夢,日前一連辦理兩場企業見習交流活動,邀請在地「微型創業鳳凰店家」與有意創業民眾面對面分享致勝關鍵-「保持熱誠並衷心喜愛自己的產品」,透過店家現身說法讓民眾深入瞭解創業初期面臨的資金、技術及行銷等問題,除了 ...
The rate Earth is warming hit an all-time high in 2023 with 92% of last year's surprising record-shattering heat caused by ...
Mainvest, has been a popular funding resource for many small businesses in Kansas City. The Sky have broken their silence ...
Chicago White Sox outfielder Tommy Pham told reporters he's always prepared to fight after an on-field confrontation with ...