Some of the nation’s most ambitious AI policies — including pre-deployment testing for the biggest models, preventing it from replacing certain jobs and stopping the technology from mimicking actors ...
Seventy years after Brown v. Board of Education struck down racial segregation of the nation’s public schools, Black students ...
Gavin Newsom’s October trip to China ... But China has gotten really, really good at making cars that are appealing to a part ...
Good morning and welcome to the A.M. Alert! WHAT WE’RE WATCHING FOR IN NEWSOM’S MAY REVISE Via Nicole Nixon... Gov. Gavin Newsom is ... a few things we’ll be looking for during his ...
Now, both parents believe closure and justice are even more unlikely. There are currently about 640 people with death, or ...
Napa County’s director of homeless services warned that Napa’s homeless services system will likely need to make do without ...
State lawmakers often don’t know how well a program is working before deciding whether to cut or increase spending. Instead, ...
Newsom made that announcement before state number-crunchers had even closed their calculators — so that he could jet off to ...
Eddie hoped that a focus on family, as opposed to crime or violence, would become integral to understanding the concept of ...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom will update his budget proposal on Friday, and the news likely won’t be good. Newsom, in his last term as governor and widely seen as a ...
State lawmakers often don’t know how well a program works before deciding whether to cut or increase spending. Instead, they ...
"If I was standing back and looking at the situation ... Newsom and Guilfoyle were still on good terms then, but that wouldn't last much longer. Gavin Newsom Made It Clear He Stopped Talking ...