Restaurants will now be required to incorporate any fee they would have imposed into its menu prices on food, drinks or other ...
California homeowners are struggling with growing premiums as the state faces an ongoing home insurance crisis.
The DEA’s rescheduling of marijuana would be a welcome step in helping the state’s legal cannabis market compete and succeed.
Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) will give his updated budget proposal on Friday afternoon, leaving many lawmakers and lobbyists ...
California Governor Gavin Newsom’s latest budget proposal looks to slash 10,000 unfilled jobs from the state’s roster and cut ...
Job cuts across the US dropped 16% between 2024’s first quarter and 2015-19. And only six states performed worse than ...
Two San Bernardino women said they lived in their home for over five years without heat because of a dispute with their ...
As detailed by the University of Alaska, an extreme aurora event in 1958 mean that the northern lights were visible all the ...
That’s what some lawmakers are saying as the state continues to face a homelessness crisis that only seems to have grown ...