Trump Media, which owns Truth Social, only took in $770,000 in revenue in the last quarter despite its multi-billion dollar ...
Palantir's recent AI and defense expo sounds like it was an Orwellian nightmare fever dream to end all other ...
Jeff Horwitz, reporter for The Wall Street Journal, has developed an immunity to poison oak after eating the leaves in ...
No ifs, ands, or nuts about it — microplastics are everywhere, including in every human testicle tested for a new study.
Despite issues manifesting in its first implantee, the FDA has given Neuralink the green light to implant a brain chip in a ...
In an age of growing UFO belief, a handful of Congress members are calling on the government to show its cards.
After chasing it for years, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is humblebragging that all his international fame is taking a toll.
OpenAI's GPT-4 is so lifelike, it can trick more than 50 percent of human test subjects into thinking they are talking to a ...
The Chinese military recently showed off numerous robot dogs outfitted with machine guns on their backs, as Agence ...
In a new Bloomberg interview, Neuralink's first human patient recalled the time the brain-computer chip started glitching.
A new study found that certain vegetarian and vegan diets curb risks of life-threatening illnesses like cancer and heart ...
Neuralink cofounder Elon Musk is now seeking a second volunteer to receive the company's next experimental brain implant.