Engineers at Stanford University have successfully combined AI and holographic imagery to develop the augmented reality ...
This approach inspired by microelectronics involves wrapping very thin, high-resolution implants around the whole spinal cord ...
Haut.AI’s study demonstrated new AI models trained on hand images achieve comparable accuracy to those using facial images.
Seabike has developed an innovative swimming device that harnesses your leg power to propel you through the water at ...
NASA’s supercomputer has produced cutting-edge visualizations that allow viewers to plunge into the event horizon — the point at which a black hole’s gravitational pull becomes irresistible. The ...
A report from the World Economic Forum predicts that more than 75 percent of companies are looking to adopt technologies.
Five new active hydrothermal vents spotted in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean have been emitting fluids exceeding 300°C (570°F).
Jellyfish’s energy-saving locomotion strategies inspires new ocean vessel propulsion systems and heart disease diagnostics.
Methane from agriculture is a huge factor in Earth's climate change problem. MIT has developed a new catalyst to take methane out of the equation. The idea is to render agriculture less harmful to the ...
For almost half a year, the underwater drone had been running autonomous missions and remotely operated tasks without interruptions.
Researchers from Basel University and NCCR have made a major breakthrough that could lead to creation of million qubit chips.