In a stunning display of solar activity, the sun produced its most powerful flare in almost 20 years this week, rated a ...
Severe childhood obesity can halve life expectancy. A global study details how onset age, severity, and duration affect ...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live without an inner voice? People with anendophasia deal with this ...
Nature’s scents are a less explored aspect of our environment that could offer significant health benefits, complementing the ...
Study reveals that terrestrial insectivores, a group of birds in the Amazon rainforest, have sophisticated thermoregulation ...
In recent years, the shift towards plant-based diets has garnered attention for its potential health benefits.
Researchers found old giant viruses in Yellowstone's hot springs. These viruses reveal early Earth's conditions and their ...
Baobab trees are among the most iconic and resilient flora native to the arid regions of Madagascar, Africa, and Australia.
Recent findings unveiled at the European Congress on Obesity in Venice challenge long-held views on sugar intake and ...
The discovery that orcas take only one breath between dives has significant implications for conservation efforts.
A new study led by the University of Cambridge has discovered that Eurasian jays can recall incidental details of past events ...