Smitty was no more than 5'4", and probably 130 pounds soaking wet. But, boy, could he tote suitcases with style. After seeing ...
Matthew Cressler's vision for an accessible throughway to the nation's thorny history of race and religion has resulted in a ...
The liturgy for the Vigil of Pentecost invites us into hope. Unlike the miracle of the tongues we will hear the next day, ...
"Just say 'fat.' Not 'curvy' or 'chubby' or 'chunky' or 'fluffy' or 'more to love' or 'big guy' or 'full figured' or 'big ...
Aubrey Gordon is a self-proclaimed "fact acceptance activist" and the subject of a new documentary, "Your Fat Friend." Her ...
The study found that a majority — 63% — of Americans said abortion should be legal in all or most cases, an increase of four ...
In a new crackdown aimed to prevent scams, hoaxes and heresies, the Vatican has updated its guidelines for reviewing ...
Not only is the Catholic trad wife minority growing, it's mobilizing a group of conservative Catholic voters who see the ...
NCR readers respond to stories about gender-affirming science, the relationship between the American Presidency and ...
The issue of polarization within the church and within the country is a vexing one, but the discussion did represent some ...
Pope Francis urged three U.S. governors and a group of mayors from around the world to work with international partners in ...
The future of Catholicism may not rest in the expressions of extreme conservatism afoot today, but the larger point should ...