New Republican-backed laws in several states add large fines or criminal penalties for minor mistakes in voter registration ...
May marks the season’s reopening of several caves across Virginia.If you’ve been curious about exploring a wild cave, but ...
Inflation eased last month, according to a report Wednesday from the Labor Department, which means people feeling stretched ...
A bipartisan group of senators led by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has released a long-awaited report detailing actions ...
Report from the Pew Research Center says Hispanic women in general continue to face pressure to play traditional roles, ...
President Biden's team says no to the Commission on Presidential Debates but would be open to two debates, in June and ...
Scientists are looking at the ways humans change the planet-- and the impact that has on the spread of infectious disease.
President Biden's team says he won't be part of the Commission on Presidential Debates plan. But he said he would be open to ...
The pro-Russian leader was reported to be fighting for his life after being hit in the stomach Wednesday. The shooting of Robert Fico comes just three weeks before European Parliament elections.
Powerful synthetic opioids and drugs like meth and cocaine still flood U.S. communities, fueling historically high overdose deaths.