Human Rights Watch in a piece for Newsweek called for the US to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for human rights abuses on Monday, as the US reportedly prepares to lift its ban on the sale of offensive ...
Less than a year after Human Rights Watch found Saudi border guards had committed widespread and systematic killings of ...
A top Senate Democrat is reviewing limits put on US weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, signaling warmer ties as the Biden administration pursues a security agreement with the kingdom and seeks to ease the ...
The deal may depend on Biden’s ability to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, which Riyadh says will happen ...
The Biden Administration is close to finalizing a mutual security pact with Saudi Arabia. Under the treaty, the US would ...
National Security Council officials briefed members of Congress on a long-sought nuclear technology-sharing deal with Saudi ...
The U.S. has lifted a ban on providing American weapons and training to a controversial Ukrainian military unit that was key ...
Public health officials in three provinces have issued warnings this year about a rare bacterial infection that can lead to ...