Researchers using global robotic telescopes discovered an Earth-sized planet, SPECULOOS-3 b, orbiting an ultra-cool red dwarf ...
Whether you call it a butterfly or a sandwich, though, researchers have now confirmed the nature of this intriguing spot in ...
Phoenix, an exoplanet defying usual degradation by its nearby red giant, retains a thick atmosphere, upending assumptions ...
The Tharsis volcanoes, a string of 12 large peaks, are the tallest volcanoes in our solar system, according to the study, ...
An international team of astronomers has performed follow-up observations of a nearby alien world known as TOI-1685 b.
The universe holds untold wonders, including a pair of far-away planets that seem a lot like two in our solar system, but ...
After he and a team of scientists conducted the first comprehensive analysis of this collection, they made an unexpected find ...
In a new study published in the journal iScience, researchers from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and the Institut Botànic de ...
New research has found evidence that fresh water on Earth, which is essential for life, appeared about four billion years ago -- five hundred million years earlier than previously thought.
Of course, agricultural conditions on Mars, where it’s extremely cold and dry with precious little oxygen, are much more ...
It will depend on the local topography, say our readers - but the most expansive view in the solar system will be from the ...