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Blackberry Lily Seeds

Blackberry Lily Seeds - Blackberry Lily Seeds - This "lily" is actually a member of the iris family! "Iris" honors the Greek goddess of the rainbow, and these flowers add a perfect pop of color! Crimson-red spots cover the mostly orange petals, and fanned-out leaves and tall, clean stems make them ideal cut flowers. The seedheads split to reveal t…
Blackberry Lily Seeds - Blackberry Lily Seeds - This "lily" is actually a member of the iris family! "Iris" honors the Greek goddess of the rainbow, and these flowers add a perfect pop of color! Crimson-red spots cover the mostly orange petals, and fanned-out leaves and tall, clean stems make them ideal cut flowers. The seedheads split to reveal the namesake blackberry-like seedheads that also look lovely in in autumnal arrangements. Blackberry lilies are tough, drought-tolerant, and attract hummingbirds and other pollinators. Perennial in USDA zones 5 to 10. Seeds & Plants, Botanical Interests, Blackberry Lily Seeds, Epic Gardening - Seeds & Plants > Botanical Interests > Blackberry Lily Seeds > Epic Gardening > Epic Gardening > Botanical Interests > Blackberry Lily Seeds
Epic Gardening


Blackberry Lily Seeds - Blackberry Lily Seeds - This "lily" is actually a member of the iris family! "Iris" honors the Greek goddess of the rainbow, and these flowers add a perfect pop of color! Crimson-red spots cover the mostly orange petals, and fanned-out leaves and tall, clean stems make them ideal cut flowers. The seedheads split to reveal the namesake blackberry-like seedheads that also look lovely in in autumnal arrangements. Blackberry lilies are tough, drought-tolerant, and attract hummingbirds and other pollinators. Perennial in USDA zones 5 to 10. Seeds & Plants, Botanical Interests, Blackberry Lily Seeds, Epic Gardening - Seeds & Plants > Botanical Interests > Blackberry Lily Seeds > Epic Gardening > Epic Gardening > Botanical Interests > Blackberry Lily Seeds


TypeLily Seeds