Men's Wallet Cowhide Office & Career Solid Color Black Coffee
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  • Soft leather
  • Plenty of space for cards
  • Compact and fits in pockets
  • Good quality
  • Affordable price
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Men's Wallet Cowhide Office & Career Solid Color Black Coffee

Arvioitu toimitus 15-25 päivää.
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30 Day return guarantee30 päivän palautus ja hyvitys
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Sellers who participate in Buy with Microsoft Merchant Services must follow a minimum standard for returns and .

Return window:If a product is returnable, the return window to receive a refund will begin on the day the item was delivered, even if delivery was delayed.

Return shipping:The seller may require that the product be returned before issuing a refund. In this case, the seller will either send you a return shipping label or provide a US shipping address for you to return the product. The refund will be processed once the product is received by the seller and is confirmed to be in the same condition in which you received it. The seller must receive the returned product within 21 days of providing a shipping label or the return request will be closed, without a refund.

Sellers may charge a shipping fee for any of the following reasons for the return:

  • Bought by mistake
  • No longer needed
  • Found a better product/price
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  • Bought wrong size/color/quantity/style

The seller is also required to refund or ship a replacement/missing parts on request from a buyer for the following return reasons:

  • Received damaged product
  • Received wrong size/color/quantity/style
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  • Item wasn't delivered
  • Didn't approve purchase
  • Missing or broken parts
  • Doesn't fit
  • Poor packaging
  • Low quality
  • Item does not work
  • Do not know how to use it

The seller may ask you to provide images of product you received before approving a refund. Once an item has been returned and the seller has issued a refund, it can take up to 14 days for you to receive it, depending on your payment method.

View Minimum Standards for Returns and Minimum Standards for Refunds 


<div style="font-size: 16px;"><p>Highlights</p><p>It was designed for the man on-the-go - the adult that appreciates handsome aesthetics, top-notch quality,a wallet that won't create bulk or discomfort when placed in his suit or pant pocket. This versatile, comfortable card case wallet holds all valuables while traveling, working, when enjoying sports or outdoors. Fashionable, sleek wallet for work, school as well as for sports</p><p></p></div><div style="font-size: 16px;"><p>Specifications</p>Gender : Men's<br>Type : Credit Card Holder Wallet,Wallet<br>Occasion : Office & Career<br>Pattern : Solid Color<br>Width : 9.5<br>Height : 1.5<br>Material : Cowhide<br>Category : Wallet</div>
  • Paino: 0.09 KG
  • Korkeus: 1.97 IN
  • Pituus: 7.09 IN
  • Paino: 3.94 IN

Arvostelun yhteenveto

Tekoälyn luomaa sisältöä
This wallet is highly recommended for its quality and versatility, with plenty of space for credit cards and a protected slot for a drivers license. It is also well-made and looks expensive, and is a great value for money. Customers are satisfied with the product and would recommend it.

Hyvät puolet

  • Soft leather
  • Plenty of space for cards
  • Compact and fits in pockets
  • Good quality
  • Affordable price
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