Google's SearchLiaison responds to the question of whether traffic diversity is a ranking factor - even though he'd already ...
The phrase toxic link is something that was never heard of until after the Penguin link updates in 2012 which required ...
Google is choosing the title element to display as the title link. If it’s not a good match it may use the first heading as ...
This is an excerpt from the B2B Lead Generation ebook, which draws on SEJ’s internal expertise in delivering leads across ...
Google's Search Liaison published a wide-ranging response to the idea of CTR in search ranking and purported connections to ...
Unlock the power of Schema Markup to boost your website's visibility and click-through rate. Learn why adopting Schema Markup ...
It’s a fact that affiliate sites routinely rank at the top of the search results. It’s also true that Google doesn’t target ...
Google's John Mueller clarified that localized duplicate content across regional websites is acceptable. Unique content is ...
Google launches custom event data import for GA4, enabling businesses to combine external data sources with Google Analytics ...
Using simpler headlines can increase the number of people who click on and read your stories. The study shows that even a ...
Google to update GA4 attribution, correcting paid search conversion tracking while potentially impacting ad budgets.
Google updates structured data to support enhancements to brand knowledge panels which may improve merchant traffic and sales ...