Google Search may be having a new indexing or serving (or both) bug where it is now showing new content from sites that are ...
Surprise, surpise... Wikipedia is the number one source of information that comes up when you click on the people also ask ...
In the Google Merchant Center structured data documentation, it says that you should add structured data to the HTML source ...
A few months ago I posted about a possible bug with Google Maps where Google Map pins were being moved around into one ...
Google is testing placing both the "Top-quality store" and "shop rating" labels or badges on the same page of the search ...
Google is testing showing a "latest deals" section in the search results that says "Deals added in the past 24 hours." So ...
Google has begun rolling out a new privacy and messaging feature for AdSense ads in some US states. This is to comply with ...
Google's Gary Illyes posted on LinkedIn with two common examples of when a spike in Googlebot activity, crawling, is a bad ...
Google has posted a new document in its forums named frequently asked questions about AI Overviews. In this document it has a ...
Google's John Mueller said in the last SEO Google Office Hours video that Google's "search results are not an indication of ...
Google Ads is forcing many of its advertisers off the credit card option for paying for their ad accounts and onto bank-based ...
Google seems to be adding a "menu" button to the Google Business Profiles, the local panels, in the web search results. I ...